Lauren Kaye

It’s day three of Brafton’s #12DaysofContent, and we’re celebrating a pillar of reporting: The interview. Whether filmed live or recorded in text, these pieces give audiences direct access to people of interest. Well-executed interviews also have a knack for drawing out unexpected nuggets of insight, making the publishing brand the face of exclusive information.

Whether Q&A or feature format, interviews are traffic magnets and authority plays for content marketing strategies. They allow your brand to share insights from key figures (C-suite execs, thought leaders, notable industry professionals or even happy customers) when there’s no one who can say it better. Watch our interview with Brafton News and Content Writer Julia Troy for an inside look at why these pieces drive long-lasting value.

Why add interviews into your content marketing mix?

Interviews combine the clickable qualities of lists with the in-depth knowledge characteristic of white papers for a content type that draws attention. Readers aren’t just clamoring for exclusive information – they want to share the sources they find, which is why interviews are effective social media content.

Sites that host interviews can quickly become the go-to information hubs where people turn for the inside scoop they can’t find anywhere else. These pieces also build trust with prospects by putting faces with the insights you offer, and your pages will reap the benefits of the additional website traffic and leads that come with it.

Check out this additional resource:
  • Content writing 101: Interview tips from an accomplished inquisitor

Looking for a way to separate your site from the pack? Interview industry experts or company execs to create truly original pieces that people will want to read, reference and share. Our content writers and editors can help you execute interviews that catch eyes and add editorial value to your web marketing strategy.

Want to pick the brain of our interviewer extraordinaire, Julia Troy? Submit questions in the comments section below and be sure to watch our ongoing 12 Days of Content interview series! Check out other featured format in the #12DaysOfContent. Follow along or tell us about your favorite formats with the hashtag #12DaysOfContent.