Hannah Perlmutter

Hey there, Hannah Perlmutter here with this week’s Content & Coffee.  Today we’re going to talk about video blogs!  I’m the video blog studio coordinator here at Brafton, so I see all blogs that come through. Looking at our clients’ results, we’ve found that video blogs can result in 3 times as many site visits and 4 times the visit duration.  Those are numbers that are hard to ignore.

Here in our studio, I’ve noticed lots of trends through the months and am here to share some of the very best video blog practices.

Don’t be afraid to have some fun!

Video blogs are the perfect way to show your audience some personality.  I’ve seen videos that tie in celebrities and pop culture – one recently related cloud computing to Game of Thrones!  If your brand relies on its personality to stand out from competition or you’re looking for new ways to convey who you are, get creative!

Use series to your advantage  

People are much more likely to watch three videos if they’re labeled Parts 1-3. Are you unsure about what to write about next?  Take one good topic and stretch it out.  Chances are, if you think it’s important, your viewers will also.

Offer tips and advice

This could be how to use a specific product, or advice that relates to the brand. Your audience wants to know what they’re going to get out of a video – leaving them with takeaways will make them want to come back to you when they need advice.

And remember, video blogs are completely customizable for your brand.  Pick images and topics that represent who you are!

If you’d like to learn more about Brafton’s video blogs, check out these resources: