Molly Buccini

From account management to sales, Kevin’s strategic background is top notch. Back in 2010, he started at Brafton as a content marketing strategist and was instrumental in launching the account management team in our San Francisco office. But, it was during his time on the West Coast that he realized his true passion was in the initial construction of a strategy, and that begins in sales.

“My road to sales wasn’t necessarily a short one,” he said. “I loved my time developing and executing strategies with our client base – I was able to work out of both our Boston and San Francisco offices for about two years. I moved back to Boston to help with the the startup of our video marketing department, and as the department and my role progressed I developed a much stronger passion for sales. That’s how I got to where I am today.”

Now, four years since his start at Brafton, Kevin has been a key player in our video marketing strategies: he’s hosted webinars, video blogs, and launched some of our most successful video clients.

“Over my time here I think there have been countless opportunities for me to expand my skill set,” he said.  “Because Brafton is a fast moving, fast growing company it’s made me really improve on my communication, organization and sales skills.”

Learn more about Kevin in our Brafton Q&A:

Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to play in the NHL, specifically Center for my Boston Bruins. My dream was viciously shot down when I realized I was too slow and too short…

Kevin San FranQ: What do you think is the most important quality needed for success?

Drive and work ethic. I think with those qualities, if you work hard enough you can be successful at anything you want. But you have to be willing to put in the hours and outwork all of the competition.

Q: What do you value most in a job?

Competition – I’m in sales for a reason. It’s difficult to come in early and work as hard as you can without someone biting at your heels pushing you every hour of every day.

Q: What is your most treasured possession?

I’m not sure if I can call him a possession, but I’d have to say my 1.5 year old Golden Retriever, Bos’n. He’s also a massive Bruins fan.

Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?

Wednesdays probably, back in the groove after the weekend but still not distracted by the upcoming weekend.

Q: What’s your favorite aspect of your job?

The variety of conversations. Our clients and potential clients could be almost any type of company from all over the country. With that in mind, every single conversation I have is fresh and unique even though half of the conversation revolves around Brafton and our services.

Kevin WebinarQ: What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Tough question, I probably have two, one personal and one career related. My personal achievement is going to Tabor Academy, being able to live up to my advisors challenge of playing football, hockey and baseball and graduate a tri-varsity athlete. As for my career-related achievement, it would be going out to San Francisco to help start up our west coast office and seeing it grow from 1 person to be about 10-12 people when I moved back to Boston to help start up our video marketing department.

Q: Have any “hidden talents”?

I’m actually half decent at throwing ceramic pots on a wheel. I’ve never really been known for the arts.

Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?

Can I be a character in a movie? Because I’d be Adam Banks from Mighty Ducks II – have you seen anyone else play street hockey in a polo shirt?

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