Molly Buccini

We sometimes describe our content marketing strategists as chameleons because they have to be able to dive into the analytical portion of measuring data and content strategies, while also maintaining strong client connections and fostering relationships among a team of content creators.

But Tiffany Schreiber takes the jack-of-all-trades mentality even further. In fact – surprising to many of her peers, her start at Brafton didn’t even involve strategy – she began in our video department working as on-screen talent.

Tiffany said she’s always had a variety of interests and it made it hard to pick a major in college. Ultimately, she decided to pursue marketing as a career, but her major in creative writing has been important in every position she’s held – particularly in her strategic position at Brafton.

“I speak the ‘writing language,’” Tiffany said. “It’s been helpful discerning client feedback, which can be jumbled at times, and effectively communicate that with our writing teams.”

And she hasn’t let her creativity slip to the wayside. When she’s not crafting strategies for clients during the day, she’s establishing a creative writing outlet for her and her teammates.

“Tiffany’s passion overflows the confines of client strategies,” said Marketing Editor Lauren Kaye. “She helped rally together a small group of people across departments with creative writing backgrounds for a secret society of writers.”

Learn more about Tiffany in our Brafton Q&A:
Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  

tiffany at her deskI told my kindergarten teacher that I wanted to be a rock star, and she called my mother because she was concerned. I went to a Catholic grade school 🙂

Q:  What do you think is the most important quality needed for success?  

Being forthright.

Q:  What do you value most in a job?

Building something. It’s very fulfilling to build a relationship with a client and deliver results that matter.

CMS Buddies Colin and TiffanyQ: What is your most treasured possession?

My journal.

Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?


Q: What’s your favorite aspect of your job?

I love being brought into a situation that’s on fire, winning the client’s trust, and stabilizing the relationship.

tiffany and cheryl vdayQ: What do you consider your greatest achievement?

I don’t think I’ve accomplished it yet, but I’ll let you know. The gingerbread house that I made last year was pretty great. On a serious note, I try to be a really amazing aunt to my niece, Kaya. That means a lot to me. It was also a privilege studying at the Moscow Art Theatre.

Q: Have any “hidden talents”?  

I can’t tell you. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be hidden… Okay. Fine. I can gargle Christmas songs… Ask me to do it sometime.

Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?

Hmmm… If Brafton were Gilligan’s Island, I would probably be Mary Ann.


Did you know? We’re hiring content marketing strategists! Check out our career opportunities and learn more about the position:

Agile marketing is successful marketing at Brafton [VIDEO]

Employee Spotlight: Meet Sara, Content Marketing Strategist

Turning creative strengths into strategy with Brafton’s content marketers [VIDEO]